Purposeful Wander

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Boulders Beach and Cape Peninsula

The Cape Peninsula is located in South Africa due south of Cape Town and is an amazing drive with beautiful views. You drive on the wrong side of the roadie you're from America, but if you get the hang of that its very cool. There a million places to stop on your way down to the Cape of Good Hope and back, just do the full circle, its worth it. Then hit Boulders Beach on the way back to Cape Town.

The peninsula consists of the pocket south of Cape Town down to Cape Point.

* Constantia Wine Region- Some of the best wines in the world come out of here.

* Fantastic golf

* Shrimp- If this is your thing they have the best.

Map image courtesy of: https://sphere-ruby-h7k5.squarespace.com/config/pages/608b0aecedc290186ee662c7

Restaurants are all over in towns along the drive and shrimp is always on the menu.

Boulders Beach

It’s a sheltered beach made up of sand and granite boulders, that’s where the name comes from.

When we made it to Boulders Beach we parked the car and walked down the boardwalk. 5 minutes in I saw some scurrying in the shadows beneath the wood planks. At first I thought it was a cat or dog so I went in for a closer look and was told its a dassie.

Dassies or Rock hyrax- have enlarged front teeth, like mini tusks. They looked like a giant furry mouse but were cute and curious. This guy didn’t run, I think he wanted his picture taken.

As we continued down the boardwalk I finally saw one. My first encounter was this bloke, he sat alone in the sun with seemingly no care in the world.

Next was this small family gathering, there seemed to be some sort of domestic situation so I let them alone. I’ve always been told domestic is the last call that first responders want to be a part of.

A hundred yards later things opened up and I met the colony. They were glorious!

Everyone was running about and enjoying the afternoon. Conversations and projects were going on all about the group. There was this one individual that appeared social awkward, see if you can find him.

And here again…..everyone is partying and this guy. To be fair he did seem to be in those strange teenage years in-between a boy and a man.

Others in the group were sun bathing on the boulders…..this appeared to be the singles club.

A couple of these fellas just wanted to ride the surf. They would paddle out out and ride the waves in. Maybe they were just trying to show off for the ladies.

This ranks near the top of coolest things ever.

About these Penguins

  1. They are known as Jackass penguins because of their vocal prowess,

  2. They showed up in 1983 and never left.

  3. A lone pair of African Penguins swam from the main colony on Dyer Island 60 miles away.

  4. They originally came from Antarctica and rode the currents over,

  5. The colony has over 3000 penguins

  6. These African penguins are only found in South Africa & Namibia.

  7. These penguins are currently on the verge of extinction.

Boulder Beach on the Map