Purposeful Wander

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The Ladera Resort

The setting is breathtaking and unlike any other you will find in Saint Lucia.

This 37 room hotel sits a 1000 feet above the deep blue Caribbean Sea and puts you face to face with the Pitons. The ridgeline is an old volcano and this place makes you feel like you are apart of something ancient and maybe even sacred. There are 2 other hotels in the area that are more lavish; Sugar Beach Resort ($4669/night) and Jade Mountain ($2600/ night) but that does not mean they are better (we checked them out as well). Website: https://www.ladera.com

The Ladera is the classic hotel/resort surrounding the Pitons : the best views, the best service, the best property, simply the best!

The Pitons

The star of the show. The reason you came. The reason this place exists.

Maximum Chill

“Maximum Chill” is a common phrase here and is a good way to describe what it’s like to sit in these chairs from this view.

Most rooms have their own plunge pool which is perfect. If you want some atmosphere, fresh drinks or you have had more than enough one-on-one time with just your partner, go to the main pool. You will not find a lot of other people or party vibes but you can crack open a conversation with fellow traveler’s. Again this place is about “maximum chill”. This is also the area where you will find all food and a gift shop. The food is great by the way and the chef even prepared the fish I caught one evening.

Star Gazing

Observation Tower: It is a bit of a workout but above the gym area you can find a star-gazing tower all the way at the top. You can take in the stars and make some great pictures. Trail: I also went and climbed the trail at the end of the property where you will also find some stunning views of the night skies.

At the bottom of valley a fireworks show erruppted at Sugar Beach Resort lighting up the sky. I was told it was rich people doing rich people stuff, some sort of wedding or engagement……very cool to see.


The main city in this area is the old French capital of Soufriere. The Pitons can easily been seen from Soufriere and is 10 minutes down the hillside from the Ladera.

My honest take on Soufriere was it was beautiful and historic and it was also as the kids say “sus af”. In my time on this earth certain things trigger me and put me on edge. No incident took place but its a feeling you get of not being easy, maybe it was me but either way when I was in town I had my pocket knife in hand with my fist clutched. You drive thru here to get to the resort and we came back again to go fishing. The boys below showed us a grand time and played old people music to make us feel at home. They were very good boys but if I had to do it again I would have went further south and fished down by the airport or far north by Gros Islet.

Distance from Home

Maps of Saint Lucia


Side Notes

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