Lost Valley
This small pond nestled at the beginning of the Ozark’s is Lost Valley Lake but we named it Minnetonka. Lost Valley was built by the Missouri Corps of Engineers and is located in the town of Mine La Motte.
Mine La Motte is an unincorporated community located about six miles north of Fredericktown. Mine Lamotte dates back to the 1600’s when the Indians practiced lead mining on a small scale. Europeans then discovered lead here, and Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac brought several hundred workers, including slaves from Santo Domingo, to develop mines in 1717 making it one of the oldest settlements west of the Mississippi River.
Today it is a small community with barely a 100 people.
Why I love it…
Early Days
A Place to Sleep
We placed a 14’x80’ mobile home on the property and this served us well. 3 little bedrooms and 2 toilets. A perfect club house to getaway from the world and your problems. A place to have large fires, loud music and stay cool in the summer.
What you don’t realize is that nature doesn’t care about your plans. The winter freeze had busted pipes and with little plumbing experience the bathrooms were rendered useless. Then the bugs and rodents came! The mice and rats chewed thru the underbelly of the mobile and attacked mercilessly for years on in. So now after 14 years it is time for a new dwelling. But first we must dismantle the old…….
This has proved to be a complicated task. You are required to smash, tear, cut, pick up, haul and most often….sweat.
Something New
As I clean up the property and plan on what’s next I find myself having more options than ever. Do I build a cabin, a tiny home a barndiminium? Let’s review the options and see where we are.
I discovered “Beyond the Backyard” in the town of Farmington. It offers a variety of sheds, tiny homes and cabins and after speaking with them, I am a big fan. https://btbbuildings.com
By the Water
Getting electric required a few steps. First I had to get the neighbor down the way to sign off. Next the electric company agreed
Getting the well was no small feat. The ground here is very rocky and because it sits so high they had to drill 300’.
Walkways and Driveways
Visitors List- Jeffrey Lipe, William George, Nathan Lipe, Caiti Lipe, Michael Hill, Paul Roberts, Joe Kemper, Scotty Kemper (resident), Misty Kemper, Jamie Passiglia, “Cack” Dierkes, Meara Shockey, David Lipe, El Diablo, Angie Prost, Ali Lipe, Clyde George, Maggie Moe,
Mine La Motte Map
Other Destinations
Purposeful Wander