Purposeful Wander

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Oahu is known as "The Gathering Place" and is home to 1,016,508 people which is two-thirds of Hawaii’s total population. Oahu is home to the city of Honolulu—largest city, state capital, and main deepwater marine port. Most islands in the middle of the Pacific are raw with limited infrastructure. This place is different, it is America.

Dole Plantation

Okay fine, this is a little touristy and yes, the fine people of Dole exploited the Hawaiian people for their land and labor but my goodness….. a fresh pineapple sure tastes good right? And what could be better than eating a fresh pineapple right off the bush? Take that pure pineapple and add high fructose syrup, sugar and freeze it. Voila! One of the best treats on earth! It’s so good that they sell it at Disney Land.

I had a great time and facility! I would recommend stopping by for a quick once-over even if you don’t have children make the trek, ride the little choo-choo train and consume some sugar.

The Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree

This tree is frkn awesome! It has the coolest colors and they change as the tree matures. Here on the right is a full grown mature daddy, look at those colors! The rainbow tree become darker and more vibrant as time goes on. The pictures below show young adolescent trees. They are fresh, light and undefined. They are still beautiful but the transition os not complete yet.

World War II

*USS Arizona

Ive always heard that the oil is still leaking and you can see here it is. That rainbow tint in the water is oil, ever so slowly spilling its way to the waters surface.

*USS Utah

We all know of the Arizona but we should never forget the Utah as well.

Iolani Palace

Built in 1882 by King Kalakaua, Iolani Palace was the home of Hawaii’s last reigning monarchs and served as the official royal residence and the residence of the Kingdom’s political and social life until the overthrow of the monarchy in 1893. The website for the Kings Palace- https://www.iolanipalace.org

Map of Oahu

Map of Hawaii

Distance from home

Side Notes

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Instagram Purposeful Wander

See this Instagram gallery in the original post