
Dubai is the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) at roughly 3.5 million people and attracts around 20 million tourists a year. It is the capital of the country.

When You Arrive

From the moment you arrive in Dubai you realize this place is special. It has you questioning the process you’ve gone thru your entire life at airports. It is very efficient and well organized.

Around Dubai

It is super clean and there is very little crime. Statistically speaking, Dubai and the United Emirates is one of the safest cities and countries in the world. It also passes the mental test and what I mean is how you feel. I felt very comfortable and completely safe my entire visit.

Burj Kalifa

The Burj is the star of the show in Dubai.

It was completed in 2010 and it stands in at 2,722 ft, or just over half a mile.

Dubai Mall

To visit the top of the Burj, you must enter thru the mall.

the Palms

Is a manmade inlet that is nestled neatly on the Persian Gulf. It is an oasis

Skyline Shots

New skyscrapers go up very fast

Into the Desert

This is a great trip.

Map of the Palms

Palms from Above

Map of Dubai


Great Pyramids


The Maldives