Purposeful Wander

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Vatican City

I have been to mass many times but I am not a Catholic. I am somewhere on the spectrum between a Baptist, nondenominational Christian and plain old sinner. I respect the church, despite its faults, just the same as I hope god does for mine. When I came here I did feel something spiritual and a sense that I was in the lords presence. I felt like I had a right to be here almost an obligation to, like this place was a part of my story. Whatever the case may be Im glad I came. This is a part of history and everyone that believes that god had a son named Jesus and he died for our sins should come here. Even if you just like art and history………they have a lot of “stuff”.

Vatican City Soldiers

Fluffy costumes of orange and purple, tight belts and boots and a French style barrette. Okay so these guys don’t exactly strike fear in your eyes but their presentation does grab your attention.

Swiss Guards, Italian Guardia Svizzera, corps of Swiss soldiers are responsible for the safety of the pope. Often called “the world's smallest army,” they serve as personal escorts to the pontiff and as watchmen for Vatican City and the pontifical villa of Castel Gandolfo.

* Not sure if they could stop anything but they might slow it down so the pope has time to escape.

Vatican City Grounds

Large Collection of Art Works

I have been to most of the biggest and best museums for art and otherwise that this world has to offer, the Catholic Church has a lot of treasures. It covers all era’s and empires and the value of their collection is insane and our tour guide said you are only seeing a small sample of what’s on display. “There are so many priceless artifacts on display here and that doesn’t even scratch the surface of what they have in vaults and hidden away”.

The Vatican Museums- house ancient Roman sculptures such as the famed “Laocoön and His Sons” as well as Renaissance frescoes in the Raphael Rooms and the Sistine Chapel, famous for Michelangelo’s ceiling.

Sistine Chapel

It is perhaps the most famous work of art ever created. It was painted Michelangelo and other Florentine Renaissance masters in 1508 and took 4 years to complete. Absolutely stunning, I was blown away! Classical art is not my thing but I can appreciate it when I see it.

Maps of Vatican City

Courtesy of- worldatlas.com

Overview of Europe