Venice Beach
Venice beach is free-spirited beach town within the city limits of Los Angeles in Southern California. It has a boardwalk, funky shops, street performers and colorful murals. There’s also a skate park and Muscle Beach outdoor gym and picturesque canals. It is a place to see and soak in the sun and splash in the water.
I was a child the last time I was here but I watched the news and social media clips showing how this place went to total shit. Needles and homeless encampments dotted the sand from one end of the beach to the other. That was my expectation before I arrived but that is not what I found. It was certainly not perfect and there was signs of a downturn but I saw no zombies and it felt safe. You can take your girl or your family and have a good time. Whaff’s of good food being cooked, ocean and marijuana smoke fill the air and sensory overload make it hard for your eyes to focus on one particular object. Each step you take introduces something new for you take in and the unexpected will be found around every turn. If nothing else a bit of excitement and curiosity will stimulate your senses. It’s definitely worth the drive and visit.
People Watching
This is one of the best places on earth if you enjoy looking at people. Crazy, weird, beautiful, ugly, old, young, white, black, brown, mostly fit people.
Who are these people……
Visitors- 10.5 million tourists come to Venice Beach annually.
Residents-According to the U.S. Census Bureau 34,500 people live in Venice Beach. The median age is 41 and the average individual income is $102,934.
Ladies of Venice
There are pretty girls here, after all it is a beach in SoCal. Why wouldn’t they be here…..