The 12 Apostles

The Twelve Apostles- is a collection of limestone stacks off the shore of the Southern Ocean. It is a part of Port Campbell National Park in Victoria, Australia and is a highly visited spot for tourist. You can get there by car by following the Great Ocean Road just west of Melbourne. It doesn’t get much better than this place.


7 Stacks of Rocks- The limestone rock stacks are officially know as the Twelve Apostles but they only ever had had eight stacks and one of them fell over in 2010. Leave it to the Australians! The sheer and constant force of the Southern Ocean is constantly beating them down and one day they all will crumble but just like life new ones will form. When I was here many moons ago a man took his girlfriend out further down the road to a nice spot where the cliffs goes out a bit into the ocean. The rocks behind them crumbled leaving them stranded on top of what became a new formation. The news cameras came out and filmed and a crowd formed as rescue workers saved them. They were brought to land safely and the everyone clapped except the mans wife.


The Great Ocean Road- Once you’ve seen the 12 the journey continues down The Great Ocean Road. There are little turnoffs with places to park and little jaunts to partake. It’s hard to know which ones are worthwhile so you have to use “the force”.


The Great Ocean Road Map- This map came from Adventure Tours, they also have some other good stuff so check out the link:

Australia Map-Victoria is in the bottom right corner pr South East and 12 Apostles is at the very bottom on the Tasman Sea. This map was courtesy of:


Cradle Mountain NP


Kenai Fjords NP