Los Angeles

Los Angeles, often referred to by its initials L.A. hosts almost 4 million people in the city and 9.7 million in the county.

An estimated 1.5 milliom of the L.A. County residents struggle with a Substance Use Disorder. I have been to L.A. many times but this was my first visit since covid. I was expecting to see hordes of the walking dead, drug- filled zombies walking there streets in wild packs. Nothing. Well, no more than you would find in any other large city anyways. Im not sure where they put them? It is an election year and the Olympics are coming……Either way I was pleasantly surprised.

a true Test of patience

Get upset and aggravated quickly? Enjoy sitting and watching people make poor decisions? L.A. transportation might be for you. Planes, buses and cars are all miserable here.

Sites around Town

This gallery is random things I saw while cruising around the area and I found interesting.

To live and die in LA

T-pac taught us about downtown L.A. when we were kids. The lyrics “Everybody got they own thang, currency chasin” and “You've got to be there to know it” hit hard from the corporate rental Im driving in. I have been here before plenty but there is something about cruising alone downtown at night and taking it in.

say goodbye to Hollywood

The fame and fortune that this town has sold and advertised since its inception is dead. It has fallen from grace and the crazies have taken over. It will all soon be replaced as AI takes the helm from writers and actors. The few will rake in more and more as the industry shrinks. But hey, the weather is still perfect and sheep are still falling in line so let’s go!

L. A. Maps

Other Destinations

