Kirstenbosch Garden

Kirstenbosch Garden is located on the Eastern slop of the Table Mountains and is one of the best in the world. The gardens are a roughly 15 minutes from downtown Cape Town and are easily accessible. It is ran by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI).


Protea or Sugarbushes is a genus of South African flowering plants. They are the official flower of South Africa and have even been featured on their currency in the past.

This red variety is called King of the Fynbos.

Bird of Paradise

Strelitzia juncea, also know as Bird of Paradise is one of my favorite flowers. They are indigenous to Africa and come in yellow and orange. They are simply amazing.

The canopy walk……

puts you high above the trees and in for some of the taller ones, in the trees. Not only does the canopy walk offer you great views but a different perspective on the birds, butterflies and the natural world.

Other Park Stuff

I often tease that everything in Australia and Africa is designed to kill you and they love to remind you. We actually came across a cape cobra and I was outa of there so fast the last thing on my mind was to takes its picture. This spotted eagle owl was just relaxing behind a rock.

Map of Kirstenbosh Gardens



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