Sequoia & Kings Canyon

Kings Canyon NP-

Sequoia was America’s second national park designated in 1890. General Grant National Park, the forerunner of

Kings Canyon, was the third, established in 1940. Together they are a combined total of: 865,964 acres, 1,353 square miles.

Coming here and seeing this forest and these trees is an experience, it is a humbling adventure for your spirit. It gives you perspective and teaches you your place in the world.

To the Parks!

The drive is long but as the deserts turn into mountains a small stretch of land is apperently perfect for citrus.

Halo Citrus Farm- I ate a few right off the tree and OMG!


Sequoia National Park

Sequoia National Park: 404,063 acres, 631 square miles

Sequoia NP-Entrance Sign

Getting to the Park

Sunset From Sequoia…


General Sherman

General Sherman- Sign

The General Sherman tree, the largest tree on Earth by volume.

The General Sherman tree grows in the Giant Forest, which contains five of the ten largest trees in the world.

Sequoia NP - General Sherman


Kings Canyon National Park

Kings Canyon National Park: 461,901 acres, 722 square miles

Kings Canyon NP-

Kings Canyon NP-

Distance From Home

Distance from STL- 1,935.4 miles

Sequoia / Kings Canyon Map




Craters of the Moon