
Tasmania- also referred to as “Tassie” is an island off the coast of Southern Australia. It is full of adventure, national parks to explore, wild animals and beauty all around. Everyone has heard of the Tasmanian Devil, and we will address them, but what else do we know? It is an island so the ocean and water play a huge role. They also have large brilliant mountains and amazing uniques vegetation. It is home to 585,000 people and is roughly the same size as Ireland.


Hobart is the capital and most populous city of the Australian island state of Tasmania. Half of all Tasmanians (around 225,000 people) live in this city. It is also where the major international airport is located so this will be your starting point.

The Unzoo

A zoo is a place you visit to see animals in an enclosure or as I see it, an animal prison. The vision for the Unzoo was for something altogether different – an experience that would immerse human visitors in a natural environment, with animals as the dominant feature.

The innovative concept of the Unzoo was born in 2005 when two innovative zoo design consultants, Jon Coe and Ray Mendez, began exploring the idea of moving zoos away from their traditional design as a series of enclosures displaying animals for human entertainment.

Leave it up to the Australian’s to come up with a name like Unzoo. https://tasmaniandevilunzoo.com.au


Tasmanian Devil

The devil is the size of a small dog yet it’s largest carnivorous marsupial in the world. It is characterized by its stocky and muscular build, black fur, pungent odour, extremely loud and disturbing screech, keen sense of smell, and ferocity when feeding. The Tasmanian devil's large head and neck allow it to generate among the strongest bites per unit body mass of any extant predatory land mammal. It’s a hunter, scavengenger and can rip flesh and crush bone with the littlest of effort. They are surprisingly fast and have incredible endurance, can climb trees and swim across rivers. Devils are not monogamous and will take any mate that comes her way.

After discovering all about these animal’s it reminded me of “el Diablo” my ex-wife. The description of the behavior and appearance of the animal makes my finding appropriate.

The devils look kind of cute when not ripping apart their prey and crushing bones.

The Roos go Marching 1 by 1

It was mid-October and spring was in the air. We walked down this long path and took in the fresh green growth of new formed leaves and the aroma flowers just begining to bloom.

Out of nowhere the fellas started bouncing around so we followed.

It was a classic ambush! The whole mob was waiting around the bend and they were not messing around, they were hungry!

We fetch a pale of the finest kangaroo pellet food we could find and the frenzy began.

Once they saw there was plenty to go around and we spread the love around everyone chilled out a bit.

We made peace with some of the elders and gained some trust in the group.

They were comfortable enough to let us play with the babies. We gained acceptance in the group and were allowed to join the gang unconditionally. What a cool experience.

Distance to Destination

Map of Tasmania

Tazzie Lap Map-This is a pretty good map for hitting all the highlights. You need 2 weeks to get them all and that was not possible for us so we shortened it a bit by chopping off the Stanley and Strahan portion.

This sight had this good map and plenty of info for your journey. https://lapoftasmania.com.au/road-trip-map/

Tasmania Location- Well it is a little bit of a hall from my front door. 9500 miles is not the furthest Ive ever been but I would say its not the closest either.

Getting There- required a flight from St. Louis to Los Angelas to Sydney to Hobart.

Instagram- Purposeful Wander


Scottish Highlands


Bali Temples